Pages of Felix Kopecky
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Current work
There are very recent calls to explore applications of computer models and
simulations in philosophy, particularly in social epistemology (e.g.,
Grim 2019;
Mayo-Wilson & Zollman
2021). Within this line of research, I study disagreement and polarisation
in agent-based models built on the theory of dialectical structures (Betz
My focus is on argumentation and the effects that argumentative features have on
epistemological processes.
Areas of specialisation
- Argumentation theory, and in particular:
- computational argumentation theory
- debate typology
- Social epistemology, and in particular:
- disagreement
- polarisation
- Computational philosophy, particularly:
- agent-based models of opinion dynamics
- under review
- Inconsistent belief aggregation in diverse and polarised groups
(with Gregor Betz).
- 2024
- Argumentation-induced rational issue polarisation.
Philosophical Studies 181(1). DOI: 10.1007/s11098-023-02059-6.
- 2022
- Arguments as drivers of issue polarisation in debates among artificial agents.
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 25(1). DOI: 10.18564/jasss.4767.
Tracking divergent debates in dialectical structures, 3rd European Conference on Argumentation, Groningen, 27 June 2019. (Slides)
Introduction to debate analysis with the theory of dialectical structures and Argdown (in German), Marburg, 5 December 2020 (invited).
Rational issue polarisation among agents with perfect memory: How argumentation shapes multi-agent epistemic processes, GAP.11, Berlin, 15 September 2022. (Handout)
Belief polarisation in agent-based debate models, Workshop on agent-based models of epistemic communities, Bochum, 23 February 2023 (invited).
Inconsistent belief aggregation in diverse and polarised groups: A computational study, Institutional epistemology workshop 2023, Helsinki, 20 June 2023.
Inconsistent belief aggregation in diverse and polarised groups: A computational study, Workshop on reasoning with imperfect information in social settings, Pisa, 27 October 2023.
- Computational models in sociology and epistemology (with Michael Mäs and Gregor Betz)
- taupy
- A Python package to study the theory of dialectical structures.
Source code;
- argdown-l3
An Argdown parser for LaTeX. (Source code)
Academic CV
- 2020–2023
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (part-time, fixed term) in
Gregor Betz's group
- 2020–2021
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (part-time, fixed term) in
André Bächtiger's group
- 2019
- MA in Philosophy, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- 2015
- BA in Philosophy, Freie Universität Berlin