
Functions to measure diversity among deliberating agents. Interestingly, many functions in the module have a common abstract ancestor function ([Tuomisto2010]), but are implemented here in a rather pedestrian way for simplicty.

Shannon index and derivatives#


The Shannon index describes the uncertainty of predicting the cluster that the belief system of a randomly drawn agent belongs to.

(Note that math.log defaults to base e, and so returns ln here – although sometimes a different base is used for the Shannon index.)


Simpson index and derivatives#


The Simpson index of diversity equals the probability that the belief systems of two randomly chosen agents belong to the same cluster.


Simpson’s inverse index is simply dubbed “diversity index” in Page’s “Diversity and complexity” ([Page2011], pp. 73–76). Political scientists call it “effective number of parties”, and it is known as Herfindahl index in economics.


Estimates the probability that the belief systems of two randomly drawn agents are clustered into different clusters (“inter-type encounters”).

Attribute diversity#


Page’s ([Page2011], pp. 73–76)attribute diversity is equal to the number of distinct attributes in the population. We interpret it to count the number of distinct truth-value attributions: a population in which both {p1: True} and {p1: False} are maintained is more diverse then a population in which just {p1: True} is maintained.

taupy.analysis.diversity.normalised_attribute_diversity_page(positions, sentencepool, truth_values=[True, False])[source]#

Page’s attribute diversity, normalised to the amount of truth-value attributions possible without any constraints (number of sentences * allowed truth values). This normalised diversity measure is not weighted, since all attributes contribute to it equally.