Running a simulation#

taupy Simulations proceed through introductions or uncoverings of new arguments, agents’ reactions to them, and sometimes also introductions of new items to the sentence pool.

The simulation objects taupy.Simulation and taupy.FixedDebateSimulation have run() methods which automatically trigger these events., max_steps=1000, min_sccp=1, quiet=True)[source]#

Run a Simulation using introduction_method and update_mechanism until either max_density is reached, the SCCP has an extension of min_sccp or max_steps have been taken.

If quiet=False, the last log entry which contains a summary of the simulation is not output. This is useful in batch processing of Simulations (see experiment())., max_steps=200, min_sccp=1, quiet=True)[source]#

Run Simulation steps until targets are reached

These methods accept the following simulation termination conditions:

max_density: The maximum inferential density, determined by taupy.Base.density(), after which a simulation is terminated.

max_steps: Maximum number of argument introductions, uncoverings, and sentence pool expansion events before the simulation is terminated. Can be set to a high value or to float("inf") so that only max_density has effect.

min_sccp: The minimum extension of the set of coherent and complete positions for the debate. If there are fewer positions in the SCCP at a debate stage, the simulation is terminated.

For example, let’s start a simulation s until either a density of 0.8 is reached or 200 argument and sentence introductions have been executed, whichever occurs first:, max_steps=200)