
TDS understands arguments as premise-conclusion structures. This means that any argument has a set of premises \(\left\{ a_1, a_2, ... a_n \right\}\), a rule of inference \(r\) and a conclusion \(c\). taupy does not implement the rule of inference since it assumes logical validity for any argument. Then, the logical structure of an argument is that of an implication: \(\left\{ a_1, a_2, ... a_n \right\} \to c\).

taupy implements arguments as implication relations from sympy, a package for symbolic computing in Python. taupy entirely relies on sympy for symbolic manipulation and some Boolean algebra. In other words, the taupy.Argument class is a sub-class of sympy.Implies.

class taupy.basic.core.Argument(*args)[source]#

For the creation of Argument instances, sentence variables need to be present. In the interactive mode, it is recommended to create such objects as sympy.Symbol objects via the sympy.symbols() function. It is impossible to use sentence variables without declaring them first. This is due to a core principle in Python: every variable needs to be declared before it can be used.

from taupy import Argument
from sympy import symbols

a, b, c = symbols("a b c")
# Alternatively, but for limited amount of variables only:
# from import a, b, c, d, e, ...

Now that we have three sentence variables, we can construct a simple argument a1 with two premises and one conclusion:

a1 = Argument(a&b, ~c)

The premises a&b are conntected by the operator &, not by a comma. Premises and conclusion make up two parameters for the instance of an Argument, and these are separated by a ,. We have taken the negation of c as a premise here by using the sympy operator ~. Alternatively, we could have used sympy.Not(). We could have done the same for any of the premises. And we could have entered further premises by adding them with a &.